U përurua libri "Rivali i Adamit" i poetit Lulzim Tafa

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Në mbrëmjen e dytë të Panairit të Librit në Ferizaj, në Restorant “Syri” u përurua libri “Rivali i Adamit” i poetit Lulzim Tafa. Vlerësime për librin dhanë poeti ferizajas Mustafë Xhemaili dhe profesori universitar Rrahman Paqarizi, ndërsa poezi nga libri lexuan Xheladin Rexhepi dhe Drita Miftari.

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Don't despair, my dear, Don't be disappointed either I just found out I don't exist at all Neither you All is a dream

No one exists Even worse Neither the world Nothing that we think it is It's not

Mountains don’t exist, seas, oceans Not even the heavens There are no Planets Sun, Earth and the moon The Moon not at all

He was born on 2nd February 1970 in Lipjan near Prishtina, the capital city of the Republic of Kosova. He completed his primary and secondary education in his birthplace, in Lipjan…
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