The poet, Lulzim Tafa writes in a sensitive way, from deep experience, sincerely, warmly … His
thoughtfulness and sensible attitude is transformed and streamed into almost every poem of the
book, where the two main female protagonists Teuta and Ajkuna (Una) represent the main pillar,
like fire and flames, but also breathing, longing, dreams, pleasure, memories … Tafa transforms
dreams. He dresses and undresses metaphors, recognizes and immortalizes them, he weighs and
measures the time and space, the world and the century … He cares for and observes the path of
light, always observing the dark side, balancing it as a balancing instrument and almost at the
same time between the life of a dog and a man the same, enjoying the fruits, but also the curse
of the creation and the craft of the writer.